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Dr. Rebecca A. Thomas

One of my favorite words is "Re-purpose." I heard it on a home decorating show on TV one time and it stuck. I'm all about re-purposing. In decorating, it's taking something old or something no longer useful for its original purpose and finding some creative new way to use it again.

My kids find this amusing. I have several things in my home that I found and re-purposed (I love that word!) An old window found in the basement of our big old house recently became the frame for a collage of black and white family photos. Surrounding it, I placed old cameras that have belonged to members of my family. Now you can't buy that kind of thing anywhere-it's one of a kind! And the very coolest re-purposed thing I own is an old fashioned street signpost (yep, a real one) in my living room. It's a wrought iron heavy thing that my husband firmly bolted into the wall-we don't want to lose any grandchildren or pets, you know. It's decorated with the family name and date of its establishment (the year of our marriage) in the slots that once held the street names. It is regaled with ivy and white lights and funky little lights that are changed according to season. Soon it will be sporting the spring theme: little green frogs and dragonflies.

Come to think of it, I've had a couple of re-purpose overhauls in my life, as well. Once I was a stay at home mom who cooked and sewed and made life work for the family on a pretty tight budget. Those were wonderful days. But now the kids are almost all launched-my high school senior will be graduating in June. And in preparation for this launching, God began to re-purpose that stay at home mom into a student who eventually became a clinical psychologist. Amazing! Amazing to me, most of all!!

You may know where I'm going with this already. We get a chance to have our lives re-purposed for God's glory-to be made into the type of vessel that God will use "according to His purpose." God will reform and reshape and transform us into something we may have never even dreamed we could be. Friend, you may feel like you're all used up and have no purpose in life anymore. But I'm here to tell you that we serve the Creator who made things out of Nothing! God is always at work, forming and reforming-repurposing us!! Can not the God, the God of the universe re-purpose your life into something unique and beautiful? Oh absolutely!!!


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